
Pelvic Floor Exercises in Pregnancy

Sunday 5th February 2017

Your pelvic floor has an important role to play during pregnancy, birth and post-birth. A strong pelvic floor can support your baby and your bladder in pregnancy, help rotate your baby's head during labour, and help prevent prolapse and stress incontinence once your baby is born. So if you're starting to get Active for 2 by exercising in pregnancy, it's well worth including pelvic floor exercises in your routine. What is my pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a set…

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Pregnancy Exercises: Benefits, Facts & Stats

Saturday 4th February 2017

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy are well documented. Numerous studies demonstrate a positive effect on both an expectant mum's health and her baby's health - to the extent that women are now being encouraged to get Active for 2. Pregnancy exercise does much more than improve a mother's well-being - it can aid the development of your baby's heart and brain too. If you're struggling to find motivation, these facts about the benefits of pregnancy exercise may help get you started. For Mum Reduced incidence of lower back pain A 30% reduction in the risk of gestation diabetes Reduced likelihood of unplanned cesarean Lower incidence and…

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Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

Saturday 4th February 2017

Research shows that exercise in pregnancy can be incredibly beneficial to both you and your baby - yet information on what's safe and what's not can be confusing and outdated. Experts now agree that if your pregnancy is uncomplicated and your midwife approves, you can continue to exercise, take up something new and get Active for 2. Is it safe to exercise in pregnancy? In the past, mums have been encouraged to put their feet up and take it easy. Much to the frustration of healthy expectant women, pregnancy can often be treated as an illness - one that requires plenty of rest. Doctors and experts now agree that most exercise done in…

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26 Weeks Pregnant

Saturday 4th February 2017

In your 26th week of pregnancy, your baby is entering a stage of significant physical growth and brain development. Your balanced diet should include good sources of the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCP) DHA to support this rapid brain development. Entering your third trimester in week 26 As you enter your third trimester in week 26, your baby measures around 23cm from head to bottom and weighs roughly 2lbs. Their spine is now becoming stronger, providing the support needed for their growing body. Meanwhile, the lungs continue to mature in…

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13 Weeks Pregnant

Saturday 4th February 2017

By the time you're 13 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing rapidly and is quite active, although their movement is still undetectable to you. Their reproductive organs are developed now and their liver and pancreas are beginning to function. Maintaining your healthy, balanced diet is essential, and this includes…

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8 Weeks Pregnant?

Friday 3rd February 2017

During week 8, your baby's facial features are becoming more defined. Less excitingly, morning sickness may be reaching its peak around now. We hope the following suggestions provide at least a little relief. When you can tolerate food, be sure to include some rich sources of zinc on your plate. Discover how this mineral supports your baby's cells and which foods are good sources. By the time you're 8 weeks pregnant, your baby is roughly 1.6cm long. At this stage, their newly formed jawbone gives more definition to their tiny mouth, and the tip of their nose is now visible, featuring two distinct nostrils. Internally, cartilage is being replaced by bone cells and joints, and their legs are growing longer, although it's…

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Food 'Does & Don'ts'

Friday 20th January 2017

During pregnancy it's important to pay special attention to your diet and avoid anything that may carry the risk of food poisoning. It's normal to experience changes in your eating habits during pregnancy. You may suddenly go off a favourite food or have the urge for something out of the ordinary. There are certain foods you should avoid while pregnant due to the risk of food poisoning. Likewise, there are plenty…

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Friday 20th January 2017

Cravings are common during pregnancy, and can range from the stereotypical pickles to more unusual non-food substances. Learn about the possible causes of cravings and how to indulge them safely without affecting the supply of nutrients to your baby. Cravings in pregnancy Many mums-to-be experience strong…

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A healthy pregnancy diet

Friday 20th January 2017

During pregnancy, your baby relies on you for their nutritional intake. Eating a well balanced diet will provide the wide range of nutrients they need for healthy development now, and help to set the stage for their health throughout life. Learn how to get a good balance from the different food groups, and what you can eat when pregnant if you follow a vegetarian, vegan or coeliac diet. A healthy pregnancy diet for their healthier future During pregnancy, the food you eat provides a constant source of nourishment for your baby. Although their progress is often categorised by weeks, months and stages, your baby's growth and development is a continual process. Their nutritional intake throughout your pregnancy lays the foundations for all future…

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